How Long Will a Weedsy High Last?
We understand that you may have stuff to do that would otherwise impede your ability to do so! We'd like to explore how long your typical cannabis high would last.

How to Intensify a Weedsy High
If you are one of those people that looks at say a Weedsy Infused mini pre-roll with the attached 30+% of THC and scoff at how "weak" it might be in your eyes, this guide is for you.

How Long Does THC Stay In Your System?
Let's explore how long cannabis stays in your system considering all the unknown variables that come into play.

Is a Weedsy Infused Pre-Roll Beginner Friendly?
We want to explain in this guide exactly why all five of our Weedsy Infused mini pre-rolls are unequivocally the perfect joint for newbies and veterans alike.

Where in LA Can I Enjoy a Weedsy?
We're totally about not being at home as much as possible; particularly as it pertains to finding a dope spot to enjoy your Weedsy Infused mini pre-rolls! So let's dive into our Top 5 best spots t...

Why Is Weed So Expensive in California?
Here at Weedsy, we're all about giving the people what they really want - a tasty mini pre-roll that has the power to slap you silly without absolutely destroying your wallet in the process.

How to Cough Less When Smoking
It's time to address that coughing situation. Here are a few ways to reduce the harshness of smoke and avoid that nasty cough after every hit.